
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
R. - X. Jiang, Wang S.2020Two new species of the genus Zaitzevia Champion, 1923 from China (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Macronychini)
S. W. Jung, Jäch, M. A., Bae, Y. J.2014Review of the Korean Elmidae (Coleoptera: Dryopoidea) with descriptions of three new species
M. A. Jäch2004Descriptions of two new species of Ancyronyx Erichson (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elmidae)
M. A. Jäch2003Ancyronyx Erichson: new faunistic records, and description of a new species from Sulawesi (Indonesia) (Coleoptera: Elmidae)
M. A. Jäch1994A taxonomic review of the Oriental species of the genus Ancyronyx Erichson, 1847 (Coleoptera, Elmidae)
M. A. Jäch1982Neue Dryopoidea und Hydraenidae aus Ceylon, Nepal, Neu Guinea und der Türkei (Col.)
M. A. Jäch, Boukal D. S.1997Description of two new genera of Macronychini: Aulacosolus and Nesonychus (Coleoptera: Elmidae)
M. A. Jäch, Boukal D. S.1995Rudielmis gen.n. from South India (Coleoptera: Elmidae)
J. Kodada, Derka, T., Čiampor, Jr, F.2012Description of Jolyelmis spangleri a new species from Churí-tepui (Chimantá Massif, Venezuela), with a description of the larva of J. spangleri and J. reitmaieri (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elmidae)
J. Kodada, Jäch, M. A., Freitag, H., Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Z., Goffová, K., Selnekovič, D., Čiampor, Jr, F.2020Ancyronyx clisteri, a new spider riffle beetle species from Borneo, redescription of A. sarawacensis Jäch including a description of the larva and new distribution data for A. procerus Jäch using DNA barcodes (Coleoptera, Elmidae)
J. Kodada, Jäch, M. A., Freitag, H., Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Z., Goffová, K., Selnekovič, D., Čiampor, Jr, F.2020Ancyronyx lianlabangorum sp. nov., a new spider riffle beetle from Sarawak, and new distribution records for A. pulcherrimus Kodada, Jäch & Čiampor based on DNA barcodes (Coleoptera, Elmidae)
J. Kodada, Jäch, M. A., Selnekovič, D., Goffová, K.2022Okalia necopinata sp. nov. (Insecta, Coleoptera, Elmidae) from Gunung Mulu National Park in Sarawak (Malaysia)
J. Kodada, Jäch, M. A., Čiampor, Jr, F.2014Ancyronyx reticulatus and A. pulcherrimus, two new riffle beetle species from Borneo, and discussion about elmid plastron structures (Coleoptera: Elmidae)
J. Kodada, Čiampor, Jr F.2003Okalia globosa, a new genus and species of Macronychini from Malaysia (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elmidae)
J. Kodada, Čiampor, Jr F.2000Review of the genus Vietelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae)
A. Kuwert1890Bestimmungstabelle der Parniden Europas, der Mittelmeerfauna, sowie der angrenzenden Gebiete.
P. A. Latreille1802Histoire naturelle des fourmis, et recueil de Mémoires et d'Observations sur les Abeilles, les Araignées, les Faucheurs, et autres insectes.
M. Linský, Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Z., Čiampor, Jr, F.2021A revision of Onychelmis Hinton, 1941 (Coleoptera: Elmidae), with description of new species, DNA barcoding and notes on the geography of the genus
C. A. Maier2012Elachistelmis gen. n. (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Elminae) from Suriname, with description of two new species
V. Manzo, Archangelsky M.2015Austrelmis Brown (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea: Elmidae) from Argentina: five new species
G. S. Miranda, Sampaio, B. H. L., Passos, M. I. S.2012Two new species of Austrolimnius Carter & Zeck (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elmidae) from Southeastern Brazil
E. Mulsant, Rey C.1872Histoire naturelle des Coléoptères de France. Improsternés, Uncifères, Diversicornes, Spinipèdes.
P. W. J. Müller1806Macronychus, Krallenkäfer. Eine neue Käfergattung. Mit der Beschreibung einer neuen Art von Hakenkäfer, Parnus.
P. W. J. Müller1806Beschreibung der um Odenbach im Departement von Donnersberg beobachteten Schammkäfer, Limnius Illig.
T. T. S. Polizei2018Microcylloepus loebli, a new species of riffle beetle (Coleoptera, Elmidae)
T. T. S. Polizei, Barclay M. V. L.2019The genus Cylloepus Erichson, 1847 (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Elminae) new species and combinations
T. T. S. Polizei, Barclay M. V. L.2019The genus Hintonelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Elminae), new species and records
T. T. S. Polizei, Barclay M. V. L.2019First records of the genera Neocylloepus and Pilielmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Elminae) from Venezuela, with the description of Pilielmis shepardi sp. nov.
T. T. S. Polizei, Barclay, M. V. L., Bispo, Pd.C.2020Hexacylloepus Hinton, 1940 rises again; 18 new species of a neglected genus (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea: Elmidae)
T. T. S. Polizei, Casari S. A.2019Macrelmis pubescens (Grouvelle, 1889) – redescription of the species, designation of a lectotype and description of its larva (Coleoptera: Elmidae)
T. T. S. Polizei, Costa, Ld.S. M., Bispo, Pd.C.2022Spanglerelmis, a new genus of Elmidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Brazil with new species and biological notes
T. T. S. Polizei, Costa, Ld.S. M., Bispo, Pd.C.2020Austrolimnius cleidecostae, a new species of riffle beetle (Coleoptera: Elmidae) from Brazil with habitat notes and updated key of the Brazilian species of the genus
T. T. S. Polizei, Fernandes A. S.2020The Neotropical genus Portelmis Sanderson, 1953 (Coleoptera: Elmidae): three new species, new records and updated key
T. T. S. Polizei, Hamada N.2021A new minute riffle beetle (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Pagelmis) from the Brazilian Amazon
N. R. Martínez-Román, Manzo, V., Archangelsky, M.2019A new species of Stethelmis Hinton (Coleoptera: Elmidae) from Argentina and description of its larva
M. R. Sabordo, Delocado, E., Freitag, H.2020Two new species of the genus Ancyronyx Erichson, 1847 from the island of Negros, Philippines (Insecta, Coleoptera, Elmidae)
M. V. Sanderson1953A revision of the Nearctic genera of Elmidae (Coleoptera)
W. D. Shepard, Barr C. B.1991Description of the larva of Atractelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae) and new information on the morphology, distribution, and habitat of Atractelmis wawona Chandler
W. D. Shepard, Sites, R. W., Rodrigues, H. D. D.2021A New, Sexually Dimorphic Species of Cylloepus Erichson from Brazil (Coleoptera: Elmidae)
P. J. Spangler1981Amsterdam expeditions to the West Indian Islands, Report 15. Two new genera of phreatic elmid beetles from Haiti; one eyeless and one with reduced eyes (Coleoptera, Elmidae)
P. J. Spangler, Perkins P. D.1989A revision of the Neotropical aquatic beetle genus Stenhelmoides (Coleoptera: Elmidae)
H. Yoshitomi, Hayashi M.2020Unexpected discovery of a new Podonychus species in Kyushu, Japan (Coleoptera, Elmidae, Elminae, Macronychini)
F. Čiampor, Jr2006Systematic revision of the genus Graphelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae) VIII. Three new species from the Graphelmis marshalli species group and distributional notes on G. grouvellei
F. Čiampor, Jr2005Systematic revision of the genus Graphelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae) VI. Graphelmis marshalli species group
F. Čiampor, Jr2005Systematic revision of the genus Graphelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae) VII. Graphelmis obesa species group
F. Čiampor, Jr2004Systematic revision of the genus Graphelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae) IV. Graphelmis scapularis and Graphelmis clermonti species groups
F. Čiampor, Jr2003Systematic revision of the genus Graphelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae) III. Graphelmis labralis species group
F. Čiampor, Jr2002Systematic revision of the genus Graphelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae) II. Graphelmis bandukanensis species group
F. Čiampor, Jr2001Systematic revision of the genus Graphelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae) I. Redescription of the genus and description of four new species
F. Čiampor, Jr, Kodada J.2010Taxonomy of the Oulimnius tuberculatus species group (Coleoptera: Elmidae) based on molecular and morphological data


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith